Bachelor Thesis

Topic: “Entwicklung eines alternativen Bedienkonzeptes für eine Messapplikation im Werkstattumfeld” (Development of an alternative user interface concept for metrology application in the workshop)

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The thesis was done in cooperation with holometric technologies GmbH, a subsidiary of Carl Zeiss IMT.
The goal was to develop a UI concept for a metrology application used by workes not specifically trained in metrology. Therefore, the UI has to be simple and intuitive for common metrology tasks.


Interactive Paper concept

To test the concept, an interactive paper prototype was developed using Microsoft Expression Blend. It uses single screens, that can be navigated through. Everything is static, only visibility toggles are available. It intentionally uses curved lines and a font reminiscent of handwriting, to avoid looking like impression of a finished product.

Screen for Settings

Details of a characteristic

Settings tolerances of a characteristic

Sktechflow Diagram of the screens of the paper concept